

Hello all, sorry for the long absence. I've been travellin' fool for over a month now! What an experience. It really makes you feel alive to have no home, and just drive. Oh, the things I have seen. I wish I could have photographed all of them, but unfortunately, it's really hard to stop the car on the highway, ha ha. I wish  would have had better equipment for the drive, but you know, starving artist here! Oh well. I will be uploading them on here as soon as I figure out how I'm gonna do it....maybe day by day(there's a lot!). For now, I want to share with you my first morning back home. There's nothing like going home again, especially when you've been trapped in hell for so long. I know some people think it's a nice place, but us real nature lovers know there's nothing there. So anyways, first morning back east, 7 am I wake up. I go upstairs and look outside to the most beautiful scene! So of course I grab my camera, half naked, and run outdoors and start shooting. An hour later I hear from the deck, "You can tell you've been cooped up for awhile babe!"
